Singer Serger Ultralock – 14SH654 Finishing Touch Review!

The Finishing Touch 14SH654 is an overlocker created to deal with material of any thickness. The model has a low cost and is equipped with all the overclocking features like adjustable tension and hard cover. That is why many users add Finishing Touch 14SH654 two the cart with no doubts.
You can read our review if you want to find out all the detailed information about Finishing Touch 14SH654 Singer Serger Ultralock.

Technical Specifications of the Singer Finishing Touch 14SH654
The Serger from the legendary Singer company has many fans and makes competition for many similar models, so many users order it without a detailed analysis. That is why the serger has good technical specifications and will not disappoint you in functionality. Let’s look at what Singer serger proposes:
- Mechanical machine;
- Color-coded threading;
- LED light;
- 3/4 Threads;
- Adjustable tension;
- 2 needles;
- 1300 SPM maximum speed;
- Retractable cutting knife;
- Free arm;
- Weight: 13.5 lbs;
- Dimensions: 14 x 11 x 11.5;
- Stitch width: 3.0-6.77 mm;
- Stitch length: 2-4 mm.
The Finishing Touch 14SH654 allows you to adjust your stitch length and stitch width due to your sewing projects. The serger also processes the raw edges and cuts away seams allowances, so hurry up to add it to the cart. You can read the manual if you don’t know how to use certain dials.

What Can the Edge Overlocker Do?
The edge overlocker was designed to sew the heavy fabric. The primal mission of the overlocker is to finish the row edges with the help of the upper and lower knife. This will be a favorite Finishing Touch 14SH654 for people who need to sew fabric like denim or canvas. So don’t wait to add the product to the cart while it is in stock.
In general, the overlocker can sew and decorate the fabrics, so you need to add it to the cart and buy the product if you plan to sew the clothes fast. The overlocker can finish hems with the cover stitches. It trims the seam allowances and does all the job necessary to work with the clothes.

Accessories of the Serger
Singer Finishing Touch 14SH654 also has a few accessories like serger tweezers, general-purpose foot, and extra needles that need to be changed. It is better to read how to join the accessories in the manual. Mind that you will not need to order any additional items with a cart if you purchased Finishing Touch 14SH654. Let’s at each item in the accessory kit closely.

You will probably get your serger threaded, but you will still need to thread Finishing Touch 14SH654 by yourself one day. There are almost no self-threading sergers, and Finishing Touch 14SH654 is also not one of them.
That is why you will need to use this item to get to the thread guides which may be tiny. Yes, you can use your own tweezers, but manufacturers took care of the part to save time.
Extra Needles
Each serger requires a special needle. Some sergers may be used with an ordinary needle, which can also be applied to the regular machine. But in this case, you can take one needle from the pack of two extra needles. Read how to join the needle in the manual, and add special needles to the cart if necessary.

General-Purpose Foot
The general-purpose foot is essential for sewing, and finishing the hems and seams. Thanks to this item you will be able to sew everything, and use it for stretch stitches. This foot allows decorative stitching and patchwork.

Features of the Singer Serger Ultralock
The serger is one of the popular models of the Singer line. The company specializes in sewing machines and all their types. The serger is also a big part of Singer goods, and the company knows how to make them powerful and handy. That is why you will see that the 14SH654 has many useful functions if you read about it closely.
The Differential Feed
The regular sewing machines have one set of feed dogs while sergers have two sets. The feed dogs are the ones who direct and move the material, and they should move simultaneously for better results. You should better regulate the feed dogs when you work with stretch fabrics. That is when the differential feed comes in handy.
The differential feed makes the feed dogs move at one pace when you adjust the sewing speed of the same model. Singer Finishing Touch 14SH654 comes with differential feed and will provide the perfect feeding throughout all the fabric.

All the speed, efficiency, and creative possibilities of an overlock machine are yours with the Singer Finishing Touch Sewing Machine. With easy access to the lower loopers, this Singer serger machine offers quick and easy capability to make rolled or narrow hems. The feed mechanism can be varied depending upon the fabric. For creative and professional stitching, it features rolled hem, thread overlock, and an adjustable cutting length
Built-In Rolled Hem
Professional sewers will be happy to see that the serger has a built-in rolling hem. The feature allows the creation of elegant rolled hems for any clothing. You can even sew and decorate lingerie with the 14SH654. Read how to use new techniques if you want to create original designs or follow professional sewists on the internet.
Free arm
You can find free arms in most modern sewing machines. All you need to do is to reveal it from the sewing surface. But not all sergers have this handy feature. Luckily, Finishing Touch 14SH654 is different and you can use the free arm whenever you need. You can overlock the edges of the cuffs, collars, sleeves, and other tubular parts of the garments.

Stitch Adjustment Dial
The custom projects require a special length and width of the stitches. Most models allow controlling the size of the stitches with the dial as well as the Singer ultralock. Although it is an overlocker you can roll the dial that is located on the outside of the serger. This way you can set any stitch width or length which is limited to 3.0-6.77 mm and 2-4 mm.
Adjustable Tension
Each sewing project requires specific tension adjustment. The tension should be regulated in accordance with the density of the material. The serger can cope with heavy-duty materials so you will necessarily need to add some tension.
The one dial allows you to adjust not only tension but also differential feed (that we mentioned before). You will need to play with tension but you will not find controlling the tension difficult, especially if you read the manual before.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Finishing Touch 14SH654
Even the most advanced sergers may have some drawbacks, but the Singer Finishing Touch 14SH654 doesn’t belong to the premium category. That is why you may find that the Finishing Touch 14SH654 is not perfect and will not solve all your problems when you order it. However, the serger does have all the necessary settings.
Pros of the Singer Ultralock
The Finishing Touch 14SH654 may become your favorite machine because lots of users claim that the product they bought is great, although you may need to play with settings at the start. Add the serger to your cart with a phone and you will see that all the reviews you read on the internet are real.

Hard Metal Cover
The serger is sturdy and durable because its body is made of metal, not plastic. The plastic parts may break in a few years, but the metal ones will serve you for a much longer time.
All the sergers should have a heavy-duty metal frame to eliminate noise and vibration that will be probably caused by the operation of the powerful motor. Besides, the machine needs to be strong to be able to work with heavy fabric. So hurry up to add Finishing Touch 14SH654 to your cart.
High Sewing Speed
The sergers excel the regular models in speed settings, and you can find the sergers with 1000-2000 speed. A singer ultralock is bought with 1300 stitches per minute sewing speed. It sounds incredible because so many seams can be created in a nick of time.
Besides, each seam will look perfect and will never unravel. It is better not to sew at the highest speed all the time if you want each seam to be sewn ideally. Read the manual if you don’t know how to control the speed.
The cost of the overlocker is another advantage because you will not overpay for the additional features. You can add the overlocker to the cart within a minute and see that the machine doesn’t cost much. It is a budget overlocker, nevertheless, it is equipped with everything you may need to practice and create original projects.

Finishing Touch 14SH654 is a small overlocker that is easy to transport. It can be stored in your room and it will not take up much space. So don’t forget to add it to a cart if you need a portable overlocker.
Cons of the Overlocker
Professional sewists may notice that the thread serger lacks some advanced features. But the beginners may not even see any imperfections, because the machine is great if use it properly. It is always better to read the manual first if you have some questions about the functions of the serger.

3-4 Thread
The 3-4 thread serging is made to cope with the thicker materials. The 3-4 thread allows for sewing denim and other heavy fabric.
But many sergers go with 2-3-4 thread serging. The two thread lets us sew the delicate fabric, but this function is unavailable in the 4SH654 model.

Who Can Use the Overlocker?
Some people may doubt whether to order the overlocker or not because many things can seem a problem at the start. The items may seem too complicated for people who have never used any sergers. In reality, you can put the overlocker in the cart right away because it is easy to use. The Finishing Touch 4SH654 is great for the beginning. You will not regret that you have bought the model because the product is easy-to-use, and we will explain why.
Easy to Learn
Yes, you may have bought the overlocker for the first time but it doesn’t mean you should leave your dreams to sew like a professional. Thanks to the intuitive design of the model you will learn how to run, thread, or control the overlocker fast.
You can read the information about the machine and understand that it doesn’t have many automatic features, and it is good for the beginning although it seems to be the drawback, lol. So use your cart to buy the machine if you don’t want to find it unavailable.

All the sergers come with a manual that explains how to use the model properly. Read the manual to learn all the necessary information about using the product. The manual has 48 pages. You will be able to read about each stitch on the first page.
The beginners can read about all the parts of the sewing machine like the upper knife. Then you will see how to thread the machine correctly, and how to use the thread guides.
You can also read about inserting the needle if you have never done it before.

DVD Instruction
You can watch the video lessons if you don’t want to read much information. The videos will show you how to thread the model in practice. You can consider it a trial.
It doesn’t matter what problem you have because there are troubleshooting guides. You can easily see an error because it is common for beginners to make mistakes. But each error can be solved by helpful tips.
It doesn’t matter what you choose — to read the manual or to watch the video, you will still be able to solve any problem with threads.

Color-Coded Threading
Yes, you can also read about how to thread the model in that manual, but threading processes are pretty complicated, especially for people who have never threaded the overlocker before. The sewists need to thread Finishing Touch 4SH654 in 1 to 4 orders. You can read about it and look at the picture in the manual, but threading will unlikely become easier.
There are not only threads but also loopers that needed to be threaded. But there are color-coded thread guides that will be quite helpful. The thread guides show the way you should move the threads. Each thread has a color, so all threads will get to their places. You can read the additional information if you are afraid to break the overlocker and save time.
Final Words
The overlocker is a great choice for each sewist. You can see it through the easy-to-follow guides, and easily changed accessories. It is better to try the overlocker in practice and you will unlikely regreat this trial. All you need to do is read the manual first, and enjoy the serving process.